Cafe Midi Pt. 5, Two avocado Halve Salad

11:30 A.M. Mr. Borscht and Tummy crawled their way out of bed and into the seats of Cafe Midi, coffee was their first agenda and as they sipped and perused the menu their conversation went something like this,

"How come weekends seem more tiring than weekdays?"

And their you have it, their lives summed up in two simple lines.

12:10 P.M.  Mr. Borscht orders the Peasant Omelette again, while Tummy and her adventurous streak goes for the Two avocado halve salad.

For fifteen minutes as Tummy and Mr. Borscht await their food, they sit, they drink, they make fun of the black and white photographs on the walls, they eavesdrop on the conversation of the two Australian women sitting next to them, one of the ladies' say "bloody exciting!"  This will prove to be a line that Mr. Borscht and Tummy will say all day after agreeing upon how they love the sound of it.

12:25 P.M. The food arrives, and as the Two avocado halve salad is being placed before Tummy one of the Australian ladies' say "that looks bloody good", and in Tummy's head she does have to agree,"the food does look bloody good".

One half of the avocado is filled with Tuna salad and the other half is filled with Curried Mango Egg Chutney.  It is the kind of brunch entree that summons wide-eyed stares on all sides and a discussion from a couple of guys sitting two tables down.  At this point Tummy feels proud of her choice, everyone is talking about her plate and somehow this makes her feel special, but in all honesty she doesn't understand what the big deal is.. until she begins to eat it, and then Tummy realizes... the Two avocado halve salad tastes much better than it looks.

Although the tuna salad was quite delicious with a crunch from the bits of apples and celery it did not stand a chance against the Curry Mango Egg Chutney which was exotic and flavorful in a whole different way, it tasted of spice from a world afar, and as you delved deeper into the Curry Mango Egg Chutney you were faced with a fantastic surprise, the mango chutney, a gooey, sweet pool of mango chutney sitting below the Curried Egg.  This indeed was a "bloody great surprise" to Tummy who went at it like a 5-year old who got down to the tootsie in the Tootsie-Roll Pop.

The Smoothie special of the day was a mixture of strawberry, banana, cantaloup.  Indeed a healthy smoothie is what you get here at Cafe Midi, upon first sip one can tell that no sugar or milk products were added, simply fruit and water, what a wonderful change from the so-called healthy smoothies that include ice-cream!... Which really isn't all that healthy for you.

The Damage:  $42.30

1 Mocha
1 Peasant omelette
1 Fruit smoothie
1 Black coffee
1 Two avocado halve salad

Cafe Midi
148 S. La Brea Ave
LA CA 90036
(323) 939.9860

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