"What the heck is BERLINCURRYWURST???"
Very often when Brother Charlie and I are at Silverlake for one reason or other (99.9% of the time the reason is coffee) and when we are there walking around with a cup of coffee we 99.9% of the time eye BERLINCURRYWURST then ask each other,
"What the heck is CURRYWURST???"
Tonight, accompanied by Mr. Borscht and Papa Tapeworm (we call Papa this because he eats with a stomach that can very much represent the black hole) we will find out exactly what this BERLINCURRYWURST is all about.
After a stroll around the block with pleasant conversation the four of us ended up filing into the rather small but artistically urban decorated eatery. Black and white photographs hung on one wall, the table were made of solid wood and piping, next to the counter was a large chalkboard with a simple menu and directions on how to order, behind the counter stood hipster and bohemian chic CurryWurst employees, they look so adorable as most Silverlake peeps seem to be.
Ordering for the first time is a little confusing and some guidance by the employees is needed, I sigh in relief, it's late and there is no line behind us so we order slowly and ask for suggestions.
First, we must order the type of sausage we would like, and of course there are many but we opt for the Paprika Bratswurst.
Second, we must order the sauce to go with it, once again there are many but we opt for Chipotle.
Third, we must clarify the heat or spicyness we would like: mild, medium or hot? We love spicy so we go with medium since the very adorable bohemian chic lady seems to tell us even medium is fairly spicy.
Fourth, would we like french fries with that? "Why yes, of course, thank you"
Fifth, would you like your fries seasoned? "Sure, why not."
Smacking our lips we eat and we eat, we ask for water, use the side of German bread to sop up the sauce, pick on the french fries sprinkled with curry seasoning and garnished with sauteed onions, at the end we sit there and stare at each other and Papa Tapeworm says something that hits the nail right on the head, "this food has no meaning". For those of you who don't understand let me clarify in simpler terms, what he meant to say was that these diced up sausages swimming in sauce served with french fries was too small to be a meal and yet too large to be a snack. What is it exactly? Maybe for one individual this dish could be considered a meal, but what kind of meal is diced sausages and french fries? Something more for a college bachelor no doubt.
But alas the type of restaurant we are faced with is secondary to the real reason we all read The Adventures Of Tummy, HOW WAS THE FOOD? It may have been better to have ordered the sausage plain, the Chipotle sauce tasted too sweet for Chipotle and too much of ketchup and BBQ sauce, the french fries sprinkled with Curry seasoning and garnished with sauteed onions, looking beautiful it did come out of the kitchen, but tasted plainly of very fried french fries.
The food disappointingly lacked in depth and so the whole experience it would seem, all seems to look beautiful and look plenty interesting. The urban decor entices the young to come in and eat, it is further enticing to order the food, it's all very interesting. And when the food is served you stare trying to figure it out and your enticed once again by the curiosity factor... and then you eat. By the end of the meal you feel slightly duped.
BERLINCURRYWURST is what it is, you don't go in there with high expectations or a big appetite. You go in for a snack, perhaps with a good friend for some good conversation, period... AND they don't even serve beer.
1 Paprika Bratswurst with Chipotle sauce
1 side of seasoned french-fries
The Damage: $11.26
3827 West Sunset Blvd
LA CA 90026
(323) 663.1989