Black Cat

After attending the Tim Burton exhibit at LACMA with Mr. Borscht, Brother Charles and his bride-to-be we all decided to walk over to Black Cat and have some one-on-one time where we rack our art-inspired brains and speak artsy-fartsy of our thoughts on Tim Burton and his works... this did not happen, we merely met up at Black Cat, sat rather quietly and talked of life.

Let me tell you about Mr. Tummy's history with Black Cat... because Black Cat wasn't always there on Fairfax Avenue and is fairly new to the area, not yet a year has it been there.

Once upon a time on Fairfax Avenue there was a bakery cafe by the name of Mani's.  Mr. Tummy had a grand relationship with Mani, often Mr. Tummy would go there for coffee and pastries and delicious health food it did serve.  One can't imagine the sorrow and angst Mr. Tummy felt when Mani had left to pursue grander ventures in the much over-rated Beverly Hills setting, and from the lasting angst of the void left by Mani's Mr. Tummy just couldn't bring itself to befriend Black Cat, who, in Mr. Tummy's mind, came prancing in with it's chic decor and scrumptious looking pastries and things.

But Brother Charlies devoted to spoiling Mr. Tummy and who was much more open-minded about befriending Black Cat urged Tummy to go and introduce itself, and so one day, with Brother Charlie by Mr. Tummy's side, they went.

I cannot remember what Mr. Tummy ate that day and so I cannot say, but I can tell you the base of Mr. Tummy's relationship with it's new friend Black Cat... coffee.  Bold and medium bodied yet strong and smooth, nearly perfect.  It was love at first sip.  And as time wore on and Mr. Tummy's and Black Cat's relationship grew, Mr. Tummy began to see that Black Cat had other attributes to be commended for:  The scones, Club Sandwich, Huevos Rancheros and the Bacon Burger.

Back to present day... Mr. Borscht and I ordered a slice of orange scone and the Club Sandwich.  If I find myself at Black Cat for a snack you can bet that I'll be ordering a slice of scone and a cup of coffee.  No matter what flavor the scone is it's always beautifully made and nearly to perfection, moist and flavorful.

The Club Sandwhich, between three perfectly toasted multi-grain bread are good amounts of sliced avocados, ham & turkey, tomatos, lettuce... and bacon, lots of bacon!

1 Black coffee
1 Slice of scone
1 Club Sandwich

The Damage:  $19.10

Black Cat Bakery & Cafe
519 S. Fairfax Ave.
LA CA 90036
(323) 932.1500

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