Black Cat Pt. 2, Huevos Rancheros

Brother Charles has just gotten back (last night) from being away for a week in San Francisco, business as usual.  With much to talk about we both rolled out of our respective beds and met up for breakfast at Black Cat.  We both ordered the Huevos Rancheros with a cup of coffee, we talked of family, upcoming weddings, prospective jobs, things that were funny, things that were worrying and then our breakfast was served.  I'm no specialist when it comes to Mexican food so I won't lie and say to you this is authentic Huevos Rancheros, perhaps it is but my guess is that it probably isn't the "real" stuff.  I just know one thing: the Black Cat Huevos Rancheros is damn good.

You look at this dish and your mouth, your taste buds doesn't really know what kind of tastes to prepare for, it just doesn't know what to expect and you immediately begin to think FLAVORFUL, but on the very first bite you'll realize that it's almost the opposite of flavorful.  All the flavors are there but they're all very subtle and as you begin to work through your plate you begin to think, 'is it that  its all subtle?  Or do the flavors blend so well that they come together in perfect harmony?' - I think the latter it is. 

The egg yolk is creamy and light and so are the black beans... creamy, and tastes creamy too.  The salsa has that freshness to it that inevitably brings a light zing and a taste of tomatoes that is very subtle at first and then all a sudden you taste tomatoes.  The feta...? Well, the feta gives it a well rounded taste, tying all the flavors together with a slight saltiness and feta zing, that all we cheese lovers  cherish and recognize so well.

Let me end today's Tummy's Mexican Adventure with the raspberry jam, it's out of left field, I know, but the Black Cat raspberry jam is that good.

This is true raspberry jam and when I say "true" I mean the most real raspberry jam I've ever had, the kind of raspberry jam you think they could only make in the country-side and by your grandmother's grandmother's grandmother, if you know what I mean?  So the suggestion of the week is this, if you find yourself at Black Cat with toast on your table, ask for raspberry jam, period.

The Damage: $22.19
2 Black coffees
2 Huevos Rancheros

Black Cat Bakery & Cafe
519 South Fairfax Ave
LA CA 90036
(323) 932.1500

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