Potato Chips

Brother Charlie and I can always go for a good sandwich and therefore we always have our eyes peeled for a good sandwich shop.  And to be honest, there's nothing more exciting than finding for the first time a good place to get a great sandwich, as was the case for Potato Chips.

Behind a large tree and sandwiched between the many shops that line Beverly Blvd, Potato Chips is probably over-looked many a times.  In our many years of living in Los Angeles never had Brother Charlie and I ever saw Potato Chips of interest, this may have been proven to be difficult as the view of Potato Chips is slight behind the enormous large tree and the many cluttered looking stores that flank it. But it's amazing what things you have time to see as a pedestrian forever hitching rides from people you know, getting from point A to point B may be important but the places inbetween?  They're beautiful to see as a passer-by, no emotions or pre-assumptions, you just sit, look and feel.  And when I got a glimpse of Potato Chips I felt... intrigued.  In large, green, block italicized letter behind white brick background read "Potato Chips", interesting name, short and to the point- doesn't quite jump out as "Sandwich" but gives visions of sandwiches none the less.... Sandwiches and... POTATO CHIPS- yummm.

A green trimmed shop in the middle of Beverly Blvd with a table for two outside in the sun, the shop looks old, and I don't mean its been here for many years but old in decor, vintage, retro, old-school, but who knows, maybe the shop has been here for many years.

It's a nice sunny day and Brother Charlie and I park across the street and walk over to Potato Chips, a girl stylishly dressed in tan riding pants and shiny patent leather riding boots catch his eyes for a moment.  We enter and find that Potato Chips is a deli, a deli that is selling the bare minimum.  On the plain printed menu there are a list of only a handful of sandwiches.  Bottles of wine line a rack, soda pop and other cold drinks are sold in a help-yourself commercial refrigerator, and of course there are chips, but not as many chips as I imagined a deli named Potato Chips to have.  

The bare minimum of Potato Chips could only mean two things... Either it was very good... or, it is really awful and is a front for a laundering scheme - this is often my theory on distasteful places that have been around for a long time.

After a quiet discussion and a brief second to convince Brother Charlie that yes, we should stay and try it out, we order.  I the torpedo and Brother Charlie the Italian Sub, the torpedo (which unfortunately I failed to take a picture of) consisted different types of deli meat including capicola, one of my favorites.  The Torpedo tasted of an old-world Italian sandwich and found it quite to my liking.

The Italian sub consisted of a few different kinds of meat but what set this sandwich apart from others I believe is the salsa-like addition to the sandwich which gave it a more flavorful taste, but even with the additional fresh salsa-like taste the Torpedo was still the winner... for me and Brother Charlie alike.

Upon coming home and doing further research on Potato Chips I found that on most reviews the customers raved about the Italian Sub, just goes to show that all palates are not made equal.  My next excursion to Potato Chips will be for their MeatBall Sandwich, that will be an adventure indeed!


The Damage:  $25.00 +/-

2 drinks
1 Italian sub
1 Torpedo sub

Potato Chips
7316 Beverly Blvd.
LA CA 90036
(323) 931.0911

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