Breakfast at Lulu's

Some mornings it's just too early or your too hung over to want anything fancy or with a twist, sometimes... Sometimes!  You just want to be in comfort and that usually includes not having to make difficult decisions and when it comes to Tummy that means eating simple food.  Brother Charlie and I found ourselves at such a place this morning, Lulu's Cafe.

Lulu's Cafe with it's cute rustic Italian decor sits rights on the corner of Beverly Blvd and N. Detroit Street, it's front door facing the corner toward La Brea with their 4-top and 2-top wooden tables lining both, Beverly and N. Detroit.  With it's blue awning and everything else the restaurant is quite charming.

On a Tuesday morning Lulu's Cafe is not buzzing and packed with hungry tummies as it is on the weekends, I'm thankful.  We are able to grab a seat right away and make the most of the emptiness by grabbing one of the largest tables there, the table is a sitting nook with a built in wooden bench up against the the window.

Perusing through the breakfast menu smallish red print up at the corner of the menu catches my attention, it reads "All breakfast items before 11:00AM Mon-Fri $7.95" I glance at the clock, it is 10:30AM and now I am really excited- I always love a good deal!

Brother Charlie orders a Breakfast burrito with a side of home-fries and a cup of Mocha, the Mocha is not bad at all, Lulu seems to have her own twist on the Mocha as there seems to be a hint of vanilla in it.

The breakfast burrito contained eggs, black beans and cheese - it was simple and tasty in a simple way.

Coffee monster!

I opt for the 2-egg breakfast combo, two eggs over-medium, french toast, rye toast and a side of fresh fruit.  The eggs?  Were eggs of course, the rye toast crunchy, the french toast deceivingly good and the fresh fruit was pretty amazing with fruit to surprise you, pineapples, blackberries, strawberries, grapes of course, and mango?!  What the?! - It was great, I always love me some extraordinary side of fresh fruit, that mango really took me by surprise, as you can see.

And though I would be stretching it to say that the food was "fantastic!"  The food was good and simple, and that really hit the spot today, because like I said, some days you're just not in the mood for anything fancy.

The Damage:  $19.85

1 Mocha
1 Breakfast Burrito with home fries
1 Breakfast combo with French toast, fruit and rye toast

Lulu's Cafe
7149 Beverly Blvd.
LA CA 900036
(323) 938.6095

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